Carbon management reduces the carbon footprint of construction

Sweco offers solutions for reducing carbon footprint and sustainable construction

Sustainable construction plays a significant role in terms of both environmental impacts and climate change. CFOs, CEOs and sustainability leaders play a key role in guiding organisations towards sustainability and the green transition.

However, strategic climate goals will only be achieved when each project is implemented through systematic carbon reduction and carbon budgeting. Carbon management of projects helps in this. The project manager’s goal is to reduce the carbon footprint, and the organisation’s sustainable projects in terms of infrastructure construction, industrial construction, plant design, site selection or, for example, zoning, require management of environmental goals and efficient ways of implementation.

The project’s sustainability choices may also have a significant impact on the project’s financing terms and availability. In addition, reporting in accordance with the EU taxonomy and the Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires close monitoring and clear strategies to reduce carbon emissions, as well as demonstrating how carbon emissions have been successfully reduced and the carbon footprint remains smaller.

Through carbon management, we offer a practical and visual solution to achieve environmental goals, EU taxonomy requirements and PAS2080 standard compliant steps in construction and development projects in various industries.

How is the carbon management process progressing in projects?

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Carbon management involves 5 steps

Sweco offers facilitated carbon management of design processes and documented targets for reducing the carbon footprint:

  1. We map the client’s goals regarding climate and investments and review the organization’s strategy.
  2. We form an overall idea of the project’s carbon maximum (upper limit, how much carbon can be emitted).
  3. We plan the reduction measures to be implemented, which may include, for example, layout solutions, development of energy efficiency both in construction and during the life cycle, thinning of materials, new innovations related to lightening, circular economy  solutions, reuse of materials, elements, beams, pillars, load-bearing structures, cladding structures, etc., as well as on-site.
  4. We search, document and review realistic alternatives based on expectations and available low-carbon solutions.
  5. We offer a visual tool that enables project management to run smoothly from start to finish so that goals and data are easily accessible.

In addition to carbon management, we also steer other environmental goals

Setting environmental sustainability goals and managing them effectively in projects requires a holistic approach that takes into account material selection, circular economy and resource efficiency, energy efficiency and biodiversity conservation. The achievement of environmental goals can be measured regardless of whether the organisation wants to focus on the carbon footprint, biodiversity, resource efficiency or, for example, water consumption.

Carbon management that supports sustainable construction promotes the client’s sustainability strategy and sustainability goals

The construction industry is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, due to factors such as the manufacture of building materials, energy consumption at construction sites and traffic. In addition, the carbon footprint of the construction site is affected by its life cycle and emissions during use. Reducing the carbon footprint of projects helps reduce the climate impact of construction activities and thus mitigates climate change. The carbon footprint of construction projects can be reduced by managing the project in accordance with the organisation’s environmental goals through carbon management.

Setting environmental and other sustainability goals and managing them effectively in projects requires a holistic approach that takes into account material selection, circular economy and resource efficiency, energy efficiency and biodiversity conservation. The achievement of environmental goals can be measured regardless of whether the organisation wants to focus on the carbon footprint, biodiversity, resource efficiency, water consumption or, for example, waste management.

At Sweco, we invest in documenting the different choices and alternatives, thus achieving clear comparisons of carbon dioxide and, if necessary, other environmental indicators. We understand the carbon footprint of different building blocks and visualize the data in an understandable form, making it easy for the organization to make relevant choices. The visualisation constantly includes the carbon impacts of both the investment and the life cycle, so it is easy to look beyond just the construction period. We also take into account carbon costs (emissions trading, carbon footprint price, additional costs of carbon reduction) and the impact of the end users of the planned site. We do not look at carbon in the project from just one strainer.

Through carbon management, we enable solutions that support the organisation’s environmental goals and enable the planning and implementation of projects to be sustainable and in accordance with the EU taxonomy.

With the help of the visual tool, the person responsible for environmental management can monitor the goals and indicators for the project in accordance with the organization’s strategy.

Benefits of carbon management

Benefits of carbon management

  1. Carbon management provides organizations with a powerful tool for managing their carbon footprint and achieving their environmental goals.
  2. Carbon management also helps ensure that projects are aligned with the organization’s sustainability strategy and have a positive impact on the environment and community.
  3. A systematic approach combined with a visual tool helps organizations set realistic goals and develop concrete actions to achieve them.
  4. A smaller carbon footprint of construction can bring economic benefits, such as lower operating costs and added value to the property.
  5. By reducing the carbon footprint, energy consumption in buildings can be reduced and thus the use of renewable energy increased, leading to lower energy costs and more environmentally friendly energy production.

Sweco’s tools support organisations in the green transition

We offer solutions that support sustainable development and the green transition for projects and goals in a wide range of industries:

Carbon footprint calculation

Sweco’s carbon footprint calculation tool helps find solutions to mitigate climate change and increase energy efficiency. It provides clear guidelines for operations and project development towards more sustainable choices. This is achieved by summing up all greenhouse gas emissions over the life cycle of a process, service or product.

Environmental certification

We also bring our professional and advanced support to the organization’s environmental certification projects. We act as consultants to guide the design of the project in accordance with the goals and requirements that support sustainable construction.

Energy and Life Cycle Planning Tool

Larger entities and several buildings can be examined simultaneously in terms of energy and life cycle costs, as well as carbon dioxide emissions from energy use, quickly with Sweco’s energy and life cycle planning tool. The tool makes it possible to examine the entities already at the concept or zoning stage. In this way, calculations of energy flows are obtained, for example, in terms of energy and life cycle costs and carbon dioxide emissions from energy use.

Carbon Cost Compass

Developers and property developers can make climate- and economically sustainable choices that are optimal for buildings with the help of the Carbon Cost Compass service. It provides architects, engineers and builders with a simple way to evaluate and select materials to meet both cost and sustainability targets in a project.

Take environmental management to the next level

Would you like to learn more about how carbon management can help your organisation achieve environmental goals that support sustainable construction in projects? Contact us and let’s discuss more!

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