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Lassi Matikainen from Sweco receives esteemed lifetime achievement award of German railway signalling industry

Last month, Lassi Matikainen, Senior Technical Specialist at Sweco’s Infra & Rail department, received a significant lifetime achievement award at the annual Signal+Draht congress of the railway signalling industry of German-speaking counties. The congress was held in Fulda, Germany. The award was granted for the fifth time now, and Matikainen is its first Finnish recipient. Read more

Hycamite selects Sweco as the engineering partner of its hydrogen-producing pilot plant

Hycamite TCD Technologies has selected Sweco to engineer its pilot plant for industrial hydrogen production. The plant will be built in Kokkola Industrial Park (KIP), Finland, which is the largest concentration of the inorganic chemical industry in Northern Europe. At the pilot plant, Hycamite will perfect its new carbon-neutral hydrogen production technology based on methane decomposition. Read more

Sweco wins rail assignments in Finland

Sweco wins a group of rail assignments associated with the “One Hour Train” project, including detailed engineering design and electrical design of the new Kupittaa-Turku double track, the redevelopment of Turku Central Railway Station's passenger and freight rail yard terminals, as well as the planning of the new Espoo-Salo direct rail line. The combined value of the assignments is approximately EUR 9.6 million. Read more

yli 80% asiantuntijatyön tekijöistä haluaisi jatkaa etätyötä pandemian jälkeenkin

Recent study confirms: Distance working improves well-being and efficiency – but only if the organisation cherishes communality

Sweco, Terveystalo and Taloustutkimus commissioned a joint study on people’s remote work experiences. More than half of the respondents felt that pandemic-induced remote work has both improved their efficiency and increased their opportunities to engage in recreational activities. At the same time, investment in communality is essential to maintaining well-being at work. Sweco is developing a hybrid work model based on the study results. Read more