![yli 80% asiantuntijatyön tekijöistä haluaisi jatkaa etätyötä pandemian jälkeenkin](https://www.sweco.fi/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2021/06/hybridityotutkimus-infograafi-770x380px-465x345.jpg)
Recent study confirms: Distance working improves well-being and efficiency – but only if the organisation cherishes communality
Sweco, Terveystalo and Taloustutkimus commissioned a joint study on people’s remote work experiences. More than half of the respondents felt that pandemic-induced remote work has both improved their efficiency and increased their opportunities to engage in recreational activities. At the same time, investment in communality is essential to maintaining well-being at work. Sweco is developing a hybrid work model based on the study results. Read more