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Metsä Groupin Äänekosken tehdasalueelle suunnitellaan uutta Kerto LVL -tehdasta

Sweco appointed designer for Metsä Group’s new wood product mill in Finland 

Sweco and Metsä Group have signed the agreement to start a new collaboration project to build Kerto LVL wood product mill in Äänekoski, Finland. The new mill will serve mainly European construction industry, producing laminated veneer lumber beam and panel materials for low-carbon construction. Operations will start at the end of 2026. Read more

Esimerkki tietomallista, jossa kuvataan rakennuksen sisäosaa: erivärisiä putkia ja inforuutu, jossa putkien värit selitetään.

SmartDrawings ™ service expands to building services engineering 

Sweco's SmartDrawings™ facilitates communication between design disciplines and the different parties involved in a construction project by providing all parties with easy access to up-to-date information models and plans. In addition to building technology plans, SmartDrawings’ features will expand significantly for free to use.  Read more

Kiertotalouskaupungin visualisointi

Sweco’s landscape design awarded the sustainable environmental construction label KESY

The KESY label, a recognition for sustainable environmental construction, can be awarded to companies or individual projects, and the recipients commit to the sustainable operating model in construction and planning, and the promotion of sustainability goals. The operating model for sustainable environmental construction brings together means that aim to reduce or mitigate the harmful impacts caused by construction. The operating model covers the entire construction process from design to construction and maintenance. Read more

Havainnekuva Katanpäänpuiston luontopohjaisista ratkaisuista. Puisto on osa Turkuun rakenteilla olevaa uutta Pihlajaniemen asuinaluetta.

Biodiversity plays a key role in the development the detailed plan in Pihlajaniemi area, Turku

The City of Turku aims for carbon neutrality by 2029. This is also reflected in the plans for construction projects: Turku has drawn up a detailed plan amendment for the Pihlajaniemi area, the aim of which is to build a new urban district in a climate-smart manner and taking nature values into account. Sweco is partering in this project with Senate Properties in strengthening the climate goals of the City of Turku. Read more

Sweco’s experience design consulting renews the construction industry: Experience design includes attractiveness to built environment projects

Sweco brings experience design to built environment projects. The aim is to strengthen the attractiveness of the sites and facilities to be built and the services produced in them, and to support the clients' business goals. Sweco's new experience design team has a strong track record of developing for example tourism and leisure areas in Finland and abroad. Read more

Tampereen ratikka laajenee Pirkkalaan ja Linnainmaalle. Copyright Tampereen Raitiotie Oy/WSP

Sweco in the alliance of companies implementing the expansion of the Tampere tramway in Finland

Tampereen Raitiotie Oy has chosen the PIRKKO alliance to implement the Pirkkala-Linnainmaa tramway, the extension of the present tram line in Tampere region in Finland. The development phase will begin this autumn in cooperation between the alliance partners Sweco, YIT, AFRY and NRC Group. The subscribers in the alliance are represented by Tampereen Raitiotie Oy, the City of Tampere and the municipality of Pirkkala. Read more