P2X Solutions chose Sweco to design the Harjavalta hydrogen plant and as its framework partner for future hydrogen plant projects

Published: Feb 9, 2022

The green hydrogen production plant planned in Harjavalta is a major opening in the emergence of the Finnish hydrogen market as the first industrial scale production plant. Construction of the plant is scheduled to begin next fall, expected to complete in 2024.

The 20-megawatt plant based on Power-to-X technology will be able to store renewable electricity as fuel in hydrogen. Hydrogen is produced from water with electrolysis without emissions using wind power, which can be utilized later, further refined or converted back into electricity. The Harjavalta hydrogen plant received an enterprise development grant from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in Finland in December 2021, as well as venture capital from e.g. the Finnish Climate Fund. P2X Solutions took the investment decision on February 2nd 2022. The total investment is approximately EUR 70 million.

Renewable hydrogen plays a key role in achieving emission reductions. The Harjavalta plant is estimated to reduce Finland’s CO2 emissions by 40 000 tonnes annually. Hydrogen and synthetic fuels refined from it, such as methane, play a key role in adapting e.g. energy-intensive land transport, aviation and sea shipping to stricter emission limits.

“Climate goals cannot be achieved without hydrogen. In fact, the hydrogen economy enables the survival of the welfare state in an emission-free world”, says Herkko Plit, CEO of P2X Solutions.

Circular economy on a practical level has already been ensured at the Harjavalta plant before the construction has even begun. Customers have been found for the productions by-products oxygen and heat from other industrial companies within the region, reducing the cost difference to gray, i.e. fossil-produced hydrogen. Hydrogen and refined products are also sold to third parties.

The framework agreement between Sweco and P2X Solutions continue the well begun partnership as Sweco also made the feasibility study for the plant.

“Attitude was the deciding factor. Sweco has a strong will to be among the pioneers and has broad enough expertise to provide all the services we need from one source. We have a deep trust in Sweco as a partner”, Plit continues.

“I am extremely pleased that it was the confidence in Sweco’s thorough design work that weighed in on P2X Solutions’ decision, and that our well-begun partnership continues. Our experts have extensive experience and expertise in projects related to hydrogen production, storage and transmission from both Finland and Europe. The transition to a sustainable society requires bold cooperation, a circular economy, a flexible energy system, renewable energy sources and a functioning hydrogen economy”, says Erik Skogström, Division Director, Industry at Sweco Finland.

Sweco has recently joined the national hydrogen cluster following P2X Solutions lead. The goal of the company-driven hydrogen cluster is to promote the creation of hydrogen-related business, export and jobs in Finland.


More information

Erik Skogström, Division Director, Industry, Sweco Finland, +358 400 828 912, erik.skogstrom@sweco.fi

Tim Karike, Head of Press, Sweco Finland, +358 44 507 5562, tim.karike@sweco.fi

Herkko Plit, CEO, P2X Solutions Ltd, +350 462 0788, herkko.plit@p2x.fi