Sweco acquires Neva Architects in Finland
Press release by Sweco Finland
3.5.2023, Helsinki
Sweco has with the transaction published today, acquired all shares of Neva Architects from its current management. The acquisition strengthens Sweco Architects` local presence especially in the Tampere region and complements Sweco´s expertise in urban planning, residential projects as well as demanding renovation and conversion projects. After the acquisition, Sweco will continue as one of Finland’s largest architecture consultancies with now over 150 architects.
Neva Architects, founded 2002 in Tampere, is an architecture company specialising in the architecture and main planning of residential buildings and areas that are challenging in terms of cityscape and functionality, as well as exceptionally demanding renovation projects. They also hold extensive experience in urban planning, zoning consulting and project development.
Neva Architects employs around 30 experts, split between two offices in Tampere and Helsinki. In 2022, Neva Architects had a turnover of around EUR 2,9 million, demonstrating consistently strong organic growth.
“We are eager about the future, when our very similar ways of working come together to form a united creative work community for architects. We have collaborated with Sweco’s various divisions previously and are impressed how architect colleagues are appreciated as part of multidisciplinary design teams. We can get locally closer to the customer with a wider domestic range, not to forget the completely new work opportunities that are now accessible to our staff also internationally within the group”, says Petteri Neva, CEO of Neva Architects.
Neva Architects` top references include conversions of the historic Eteläranta 4, Bulevardi 14 and Eerikinkatu 7 office buildings in the heart of Helsinki back to residential use and extensive residential block projects, numerous detailed plan modifications and complementary building projects in the Tampere city center.
“I warmly welcome Neva Architects as part of Sweco. With the acquisition, we will gain architect representation also in Tampere and strengthen our early-stage services. Our customers need visionary partners to lead change in how we use spaces and to develop large urban areas. I look forward to what we can learn from each other,” says Markku Varis, Business Area President at Sweco Finland.
“We are delighted to onboard new colleagues. Neva Architects’ core strengths lie in the regional projects that originate from the project development and city plan phase. In conversion projects, expertise in the preparation of building history and cultural environmental reports is also essential and complements well our current expertise. We make a stronger team together,” adds Jenni Lautso, Director of Architecture and Urban Planning at Sweco Finland.
More information:
Jenni Lautso, Division Director Sweco Finland, +358 40 594 3984, jenni.lautso@sweco.fi
Tim Karike, Head of Press Sweco Finland, +358 44 507 5562, tim.karike@sweco.fi
Petteri Neva, CEO Neva Architects, +358 40 513 6966, petteri.neva@neva.fi
Picture: Neva Architects CEO Petteri Neva and Sweco Finland Director of Architecture and Urban Planning Jenni Lautso.