Interior design
Interior design is first and foremost about listening to users. We select all design solutions based on functionality, together with the users. The visual appearance, furniture, colours and materials in the space support the well-being and comfort of users at work and in their free time. Our experts have extensive experience of the characteristics of buildings ranging from hospitals to schools and from industry to offices.
Hospital interior design promotes healing
In healthcare buildings, the main task of the interior designer is to support the efficient and smooth use of the facilities. This means that furniture and equipment are easily accessible to staff, and patients of all ages can move around the premises safely and unhindered. Interior design also creates environments conducive to healing, where the cold clinical atmosphere is replaced by warmth, colour and humanity.
Quickly convertible learning and business premises
In schools and other learning environments, the same values are highlighted as in modern offices and business premises. The spaces need to be adaptable and function both together and separately. Our interior designers create spacious and bright spaces that can be flexibly adapted to changing situations and user needs. For example, large spaces can be easily divided into small, safe spaces as needed.
Digital tools illustrate design solutions
We use illustrative digital tools, such as virtual and augmented reality, for interior design based on information models. Visualising information helps those involved compare options, understand complex entities and make informed decisions. Gamified methods also support interaction and communication with the users of the premises.