Urban planning: from vision to sustainable reality
Urban planning plays a key role in responding to contemporary challenges such as urbanisation, climate change and digitalisation. Sweco’s urban planning experts create sustainable cities that take future needs into account.
Urban planning as a solution to urban challenges
Urbanisation and mobility, climate change and digitalisation, as well as tightening housing requirements, are challenging the built environment.
Through sustainable urban planning, Sweco employees are involved in creating environmentally friendly, resilient and economically stable cities.
Our goal is that buildings and urban areas are simultaneously ecologically sustainable, safe for their users and functional for businesses.
At Sweco, we help solve the biggest challenges of our time from the perspectives of climate and nature, as well as social and economic well-being and inequality.
Urban planning and architecture creating well-being
The role of an architect in urban and community planning is multidimensional. It covers land-use planning, activities and the placement of buildings, as well as the reconciliation of different interests and eras.
In addition to traditional architectural expertise, we utilise experts from other fields in urban and community planning. For example, social scientists and interaction experts add value and insight to our urban planning teams.
In each project, we work on the terms of cultural environments. We create sustainable site-specific solutions that meet the needs of different actors and stakeholders.
Land-use planning: from strategies to spatial plans
Land-use planning: from strategies to spatial plans
In land use planning , we combine different housing wishes, sustainable accessible mobility solutions and green with area planning.
Our services include:
- Strategic land-use plans
- General planning
- Detailed town plans
- Concept plans

Renovation at the heart of sustainable urban planning
The role of renovation is increasingly emphasised in our work. We follow the principles of circular economy and our primary goal is to find new uses for existing buildings instead of demolishing them.
We limit new construction to only necessary additions in an already built environment.
A vibrant city, the result of multidisciplinary urban planning
Urban planning is a multifaceted process that we approach holistically from different perspectives. Life cycle costs and carbon footprint play a key role. We also systematically consider:
- Existing built environment
- Social and human values
- Biodiversity
- Cityscape and historical factors
Our goal is to create climate-resilient urban environments that promote the overall well-being of residents. The elements of a sustainable city include:
- Energy efficient buildings
- Sustainable transport systems
- Cozy green areas
- Communal planning where residents actively participate in decision-making
Multidisciplinary urban planning with Sweco’s experts
In Sweco’s urban planning, we combine excellence from different fields into comprehensive solutions. Our architects work in close cooperation with environmental and landscape designers, among others, to create the best possible overall solution for housing, business or industrial needs.
We offer all the necessary experts and additional studies for an urban development project, such as cost, energy and carbon footprint calculations.
The project is progressing swiftly and without unnecessary intermediate phases, as experts in traffic and infrastructure planning and land use and town planning. can also be found in the same building.
The Airut block demonstrates the diversity and community spirit of urban residential construction
The Airut block in the Jätkäsaari district of Helsinki not only includes apartments, but also offers services, business premises and offices that liven up the urban culture. The building design combined innovations in energy technology with equal and community-based architecture.
“The objective was to create a functional whole in the heart of Jätkäsaari with diverse apartments, high-quality services and innovative solutions in energy technology,” explains Director Of Development Juha Vihma from Sweco. The block, completed in 2016–2018, contains one three-storey residential building and five taller ones in addition to offices and commercial premises.