Facade renovations
Services for housing companies
Facade renovations
The planning of a facade renovation project starts with the needs of the housing co-operative and the condition of the structures. The goal of the planning is to prepare a suitable and comprehensive plan for the renovation of the envelope of the property, such as the outer walls.
An extensive facade renovation usually requires a condition survey of the structures and project planning prior to the implementation plan proper.We also provide the architectural and structural planning and the project management and supervision services required for the renovation project.
A facade renovation project requires extensive knowledge of various construction methods and experience of the structures and construction methods used in different decades. With specialised planning and experience as well as energy industry expertise, we can reach the most suitable outcome in terms of value for money and for the property in question.
REQUEST A QUOTE tarjoukset.taloyhtiopalvelut@sweco.fi
Hilla Ahvenainen
Team Manager