Preliminary surveys and environmental permits

Preliminary surveys and environmental permits

We help prepare the conditions required by the battery industry in many ways, from technical and economic studies and preliminary design to planning and permit processes, risk assessments and EIA procedures.

Feasibility studies

Battery material refineries and production plants require large areas of land because the production is designed to meet the demand across Europe. Instead of industrial parks, the battery industry often talks about gigaparks. We help municipalities and cities prepare amendments to their land use plans to allow battery industry operators to relocate to the location. Additionally, we assist our clients in obtaining a social license with the help of regional economic studies and engagement services.

In order for investment and relocation decisions to be based on research data, there is a need to carry out reliable feasibility, process and layout studies. We survey the prerequisites for operations comprehensively, starting from the market situation. In investment and operating cost estimates (Capex and Opex), we also take into account the perspectives of social responsible investing (ESG).

Environmental reports and permits

We plan and schedule the permit process related to battery industry investments precisely. The permit strategy guides the implementation of environmental and chemical permit applications, as well as the assessment of environmental impacts (EIA procedures), so that they are carried out in a timely manner with regard to the decision-making process. During the preliminary design, we also carry out the atmospheric dispersion and consequence modelling and balance simulations that are essential to environmental permits.

Safety and risk assessments

Multidisciplinary and proactive risk management is required in all phases of the battery value chain. This secures both the smooth progress of the project and the production processes once the plant is placed into service. We reduce the uncertainty related to business by carrying out sensitivity analyses and risk assessments, among other things. We also offer legal knowhow for the due diligence processes related to battery business in order to provide a comprehensive vision of the project’s safety and security issues  and risks.


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