Machine safety services

Machine safety services

The purchase and use of machines include various safety responsibilities. It is important to ensure statutory responsibilities and the safe use of machines in all situations.

Machine- and plant-related examinations

Machines and machine combinations are used in all kinds of plants. We offer expert services for both machine- and plant-related examinations. In plant-related examinations, it is important to assess if it is a question of a process or a machine combination. Then we know which laws the safety requirements of the design process are based on.

The safety requirements of the Machinery Directive, i.e. the national Machinery Decree, act as the starting data of the design process. The specification is adjusted in cooperation with the authorities, if needed. In addition, the examination takes into account the legal liabilities of the customer and the manufacturer for the machine combinations and for the machines. The MetSta graph can be used in managing the machine safety of plant projects.

Functional safety

The critical control functions of the devices covered by the requirements of the Machinery Directive, i.e. the national Machinery Decree, must be independent of other control functions. Critical control functions are recognised with the help of risk assessment and the PL level determination. Before implementation, machines and machine combinations must comply with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act as well as the Machinery Directive (Machinery Decree).

Risk assessments

Risk assessments of semi-finished products, machines and machine combinations will always be carried out based on the EN ISO 12100 standard. Supplementary risk assessments can also be carried out via other methods. In the Machinery Directive, the risk mitigation process is called increasing machine safety. Increasing machine safety can be done in various ways, such as mechanically or by machine control.

Machine safety management

In delivery projects, machine safety management means that we participate in the definition of safety requirements already when machine purchase agreements are being made. We can also ensure that machine safety requirements are met in the modernisation projects of industrial plants.

Ensuring machine safety includes the inspection of the safety locking protocols of machines and machine combinations. We also offer trainings, separately or as part of machine safety management. Machine safety audits ensure sufficient machine safety measures. Our experts are members of national and international standardisation groups, which keeps us well informed in the changing landscape of safety requirements.

Requirements from various directives can be applied to machines and machine combinations. Each directive determines safety requirements and bases related to its own application area so that the devices can be marked with the EC declaration of conformity and the CE marking. We help customers prepare documentation leading to the CE marking, but we do not act as the manufacturer mentioned in the EU directive.

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