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Ports and waterways

Our experts and large international design network operating in Europe develop regional planning, structural engineering, renovation and geotechnology solutions in close cooperation with each other. Our team is also experienced in port and water structure engineering.

Our seasoned experts and large international design network operating in Europe develop regional planning, structural engineering, renovation and geotechnology solutions in close cooperation with each other. Our team is also experienced in harbour and water structure engineering.

Harbours and water structures

The design of harbour and wharf structures begins with geotechnology and an analysis of the end use of the wharf, which dictates the kind of structures and solutions that are best suited for the project. The space reserved for the structures in marinas and commercial harbours is often limited, which is why careful planning of land and water use and well-thought-out placement of functions and services are crucial.

The infrastructure of man-made water structures in Finland has aged and requires inspections, usability assessments and repair planning.  The original purpose of many structures has been replaced with a new end use that requires renovations to be made.

Floating architecture is an international trend that has now reached Finland. Sweco has been involved in many floating architecture projects both in Finland and abroad, and is experienced in conducting demanding hydrodynamic analyses.

Waterway and dredging projects as well as the planning of waterway pipe and cable routes fall under regional planning, in which other waterway infrastructures, limitations and soil conditions play a key role.

Waterfronts and embankments are primarily part of the townscape and regional planning and only secondarily structural engineering, but these projects must be adapted to the prevailing conditions and needs.

Hydropower stations and dams

Our experts are experienced in hydropower and dam projects.  The aging infrastructure of hydropower stations requires inspections, repair planning and reconstruction. Our new construction projects include small-scale stations and renovation of old machines and hydropower structures, as well as modification engineering related to them.

In the design of fish ladders, we utilise Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation. This method generates a 3D flow pattern of the project site and enables us to create an optimal structure design.

Permits under water legislation

Our hydraulic engineering experts apply for the necessary permits for harbour, waterway, water cable, dredging and dumping projects and other water management projects.   We will also prepare any rejoinders on your behalf during the permit granting process.

Our experienced engineers know the permits required for a specific project, and they will help you acquire, or even acquire for you, all the environmental reports and surveys and other documentation required for the permit application.

Seppo Virtanen

Director of Development, Ports and waterways

Heikki Saarikivi

Department Manager, Tunnel and Marine Facilities

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