Sustainable transport – pioneering solutions, all under one roof 

We produce innovative solutions for all sustainable transport projects, whether it involves walking, cycling, city bikes, or other transportation services. Our expertise also includes public transport, traffic control systems, and the development of sustainable transport infrastructure. Our projects promote smooth and environmentally friendly traffic in a profitable way.

Sustainable transport projects

Sweco’s top expert teams provide comprehensive solutions for all sustainable transport projects. One major area is traffic planning, which plays a key role in building a more ecological society and in the efficient use of resources. Our expertise in sustainable traffic planning extends from land use planning to the implementation phase’s traffic arrangements. 

We also have extensive expertise in various public transport planning and development projects and solid experience in cooperation with public transport authorities. We work actively to promote walking and cycling. 

Walking and cycling as part of sustainable transport

Promoting walking and cycling is an important part of sustainable transport and the effort to create safer, more comfortable, and more functional cities. It also supports the goal of a carbon-neutral Finland. At Sweco, we are strongly committed to this goal, and it starts right from the design tables. 

Our sustainable traffic experts design target networks for bicycle transport, general plans for bicycle paths, traffic control plans, and construction plans for bicycle paths. They create bicycle paths and routes both in urban environments and in nature. 

Additionally, we at Sweco develop studies, strategies, and plans to promote bicycle tourism. We also support the different phases of land use planning and ensure that the promotion of walking and cycling is taken into account already in the regional planning phase. We are particularly experienced in planning bicycle parking, whether general plans or implementation plans, such as bicycle parking at station areas. 

Number one in city bikes

Sweco is Finland’s leading expert in city bike systems. We have played a significant role in making Helsinki’s city bike one of the world’s most popular bike systems. We strive to promote the city bike boom in other Finnish cities as well.  

The city of Helsinki aims to increase the share of bicycle traffic to 20 percent of all traffic by 2035. An efficient city bike system helps achieve this goal. 

Public transport planning

At Sweco, we have a diverse team for public transport planning and development projects. They have extensive experience in developing public transportation, including needs assessment and organization studies, route and timetable planning, and the development of public transport infrastructure, as well as a deep understanding of the operations of public transport authorities. Additionally, we have strong expertise in defining strategic guidelines for public transport, developing travel chains, and planning public transport for the tourism sector. 

Sweco’s track and road designers were making the Tampere tram a reality – read more.  

Customer focus and cost-effectiveness are also central principles in our public transport planning. We utilize Sweco’s extensive, multidisciplinary, domestic, and international expertise in our public transport projects, ensuring the best possible results for both our clients and the end-users, the passengers. Discover the Jokeri Light Rail, a carbon-neutral city forerunner reshaping urban transit in Helsinki. 

Tampereen ratikka

Mikko Raninen

Team Leader, Sustainable mobility

Mikko Suhonen

Public transport

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