Sustainable transport and logistics solutions
Sustainable solutions for mobility and logistics drive change
Sustainable mobility includes everyday transport, long-distance transport, functional travel chains and smart mobility networks. The goals of sustainable mobility are achieved when people and goods travel efficiently, safely and with as little environmental impact as possible. Smooth transport and logistics solutions should be available to all and diverse needs and wishes of different groups of people should be considered. Sweco is a pioneer in advanced technologies which improve building of accessible societies. We build future-proof transport and logistics solutions that take the growing population of cities, climate change and biodiversity into account.
Sustainable mobility solutions are affected by people, the climate and modern technologies
We use the transport infrastructure daily. It plays a critical role in the functionality and accessibility of cities and regions. Solutions for transport and logistics infrastructure can make a great difference for the environment: reduce noise and air pollutant levels and mitigate climate change. In July 2021, the European Commission introduced the climate package that aims to achieve the emissions reduction goals for 2030. According to the package, the emissions from road transport must be reduced significantly, and railway networks and rail traffic must be strengthened.
Sweco is the leading traffic planner in Europe. We implement projects from the planning of local roads to the public transport networks of metropolitan areas. Regardless of scale, our projects always take climate goals into account. Sustainable development decisions and carbon footprint calculations are tied to the projects at the early stages of planning.
We combine our comprehensive expertise in technology, architecture and environmental and infrastructural planning to develop safe, accessible and efficient traffic solutions, such as pedestrian and cycling routes, roads, bridges, tunnels, harbors and rail infrastructure. We use the latest digital tools in our work through which we can achieve highly efficient traffic flows, emissions reductions and optimized maintenance.
Public transport projects from impact assessment to implementation
Public transport projects from impact assessment to implementation
Traffic planning plays a key role in building sustainable cities. Traffic planning involves land use and area planning, implementation and traffic arrangements. Walking and cycling are promoted everywhere. Sweco’s traffic planners are involved in the projects from the early strategies to ensuring smooth traffic. Their areas of expertise include heavy transport, public transport and everything in between. Traffic planners aim to create eco-friendly, safe and dynamic residential areas where traffic flows efficiently.
Our structural planners create sustainable traffic solutions, such as roads, tunnels, bridges and harbours, to contribute to an accessible society. Our projects typically include impact assessment: we study the impact chains related to people, climate and costs, and we can assess the impact of a public investment on society as a whole.
We also employ the best technical experts on railways and rail traffic who are involved in the planning of new rail projects and the maintenance and development projects on existing railways. Sweco’s project management professionals ensure that your vision becomes reality.
Sustainable mobility includes social responsibility
Transport solutions that are technically feasible and efficient must support a high standard of living and social sustainability. The importance of these is emphasized by the constantly accelerating climate change that is predicted to escalate social disparity. Socially sustainable residential areas promote equality and diversity. They are made more comfortable by minimizing emissions and air pollutants: ensuring proximity to nature, and traffic solutions that ensure accessibility.
Sweco works together with cities, municipalities, companies, and researchers to plan residential areas where both technical infrastructure and social consistency flourish: this includes equality, accessibility, and sustainability. Our smart mobility and logistics solutions always aim for a minimized carbon footprint for a residential area and sustainable entities. The solutions include circular economy measures, ecosystem services and support for biodiversity.
Sustainable logistics and industry
Sustainable logistics and industry
The global industry requires sustainable logistics solutions as sectors such as e-commerce grow exponentially.
Enhanced logistics can help achieve major positive impact both socially and environmentally. The efficiency of logistics is tied to securing supply chains, in which harbors and ship traffic play a key role. At the moment, about 80% of global trade moves by water, and this percentage will only grow. We require lower-emission and environmentally friendlier solutions for ship traffic, such as alternatives for fuel oil and energy storages located close to harbors
At Sweco, we support the transition to a modern industrial infrastructure and sustainable logistics solutions. Our experienced experts and multi-professional international planning network work together in urban and area planning, infrastructure planning, structural engineering, renovations, and geotechnical engineering, as well as in the planning of harbor and water structures.
Our experts are involved in all kinds of harbor projects, from the planning services for passenger and cargo traffic to harbor renovations and overhauls and solutions for the energy transition of ship traffic. We also have extensive experience in logistics centers from industry to hospitals and consumer trade, among other sectors. Our goal is to be a strategic advisor in the development of e-commerce logistics.
Mikko Raninen
Team Leader, Sustainable mobilityMikko Suhonen
Department Manager