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Koronatiedote Markku Varis

Sweco has prepared for the spread of the coronavirus

These are exceptional times in both Finland and the rest of the world. Here at Sweco, we are taking the situation very seriously and doing our utmost so that our work community stays healthy and cooperation with our customers continues uninterrupted.

Sweco has implemented special arrangements in response to the coronavirus outbreak to ensure that our employees, customers, cooperation partners and other interest groups can work with peace of mind and so that our projects proceed smoothly despite the challenging circumstances.

Sweco is following the instructions issued by the authorities and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, and we have also prepared more detailed instructions for our employees and cooperation partners.
We recommend working and arranging meetings remotely insofar as possible. We will not travel abroad and will also avoid domestic travel. We will stay home and work remotely for 14 days after any travel abroad already in progress, and we will restrict visits to Sweco offices. For the time being, we will not be participating in any mass gathering events, such as trade fairs or conferences, and have also postponed our own internal and external events or arranged for them to be held remotely. We are taking care of good hand hygiene, following instructions and ensuring the availability of hand sanitiser at our offices, and have also increased the safe distance between people and increased cleaning efficiency at our locations. We are maintaining physical distance from one another while making sure that we stay in closer touch than ever by other means. We do not come to work while ill, and everyone who suspects that they might be infected has been instructed to stay home.

Sweco established in a very early stage a working group that is following the situation, preparing for different scenarios, issuing instructions regarding various procedures and preparing contingency plans to ensure the continuation of our business and the safety of different parties. Our remote working capabilities have also been further improved. We are convinced that together with our customers we can find ways of keeping the wheels turning.

We are all facing a new situation and want to do our part in promoting cooperation and community spirit and increasing trust by finding operating and working methods that are appropriate for the circumstances.

Please do not hesitate to contact your designated contact person at Sweco if you have any questions. Even in these exceptional circumstances, we remain an approachable and committed partner whose expertise you can rely on!

Markku Varis
Business Area President, Sweco Finland