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Heidi Kerosuo


Antti-Jussi Laine

Finland offers a wide range of potential locations for data centers – Sweco’s expertise benefit investors 


Finland is becoming a popular destination for data center investments, with numerous decisions being made public recently. The data center industry is quickly becoming a significant part of the Finnish economy, creating new jobs, generating revenue, and providing emission-free heating energy for residential buildings through the utilization of waste heat from data centers. Sweco’s expertise benefits investors.

Choosing the right data center location in Finland

A crucial phase in the success of a data center project is the selection of the appropriate real estate for construction and operation. It is essential to involve local experts in this process, as finding and surveying suitable sites can be complex, especially for those without prior knowledge of the market. Sweco has a lot of experience and also has good contacts with local authorities.

We can provide access to all the necessary information needed to assess the suitability of the site for data center operations. There are numerous potential locations in Finland where a data center can operate, and Sweco’s local knowledge can save investors valuable time and money by providing information easily.

Evaluating sites for data center use with Sweco

Sweco not only evaluates the suitability of the site for data center use, but also collaborates with clients to assess whether the site meets their specific needs. These requirements may vary between different operators.

As society develops, businesses can relocate or cease to exist, leaving behind empty real estate. These facilities provide an excellent opportunity for data center operators that require rapid deployment or quick expansion of capacity. The data center industry is transforming the industrial and commercial real estate sector, as data centers do not need to be close to logistics or service centers. In fact, for security reasons, it is often better to choose slightly remote locations.

Surveying and renovating facilities for data center use

Our team can conduct surveys of these facilities to assess their potential for data center use. We thoroughly examine key performance indicators (KPIs) and provide clients with reliable estimates of the capital expenditure (CAPEX) required to renovate the facility for data center use. Additionally, we offer project schedules for both greenfield and brownfield projects.

These surveys can also be beneficial for attracting other types of businesses, not just data center operators.

Heidi Kerosuo, Property Development Director,  heidi.kerosuo@sweco.fi
Antti-Jussi Laine, Data Center Business Lead, antti-jussi.laine@sweco.fi 

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